What is the difference between Osteopathy, Chiropractic and a Physiotherapy
This is a common question and one that often confuses patients in seeking treatment.
Osteopathy was created by a Doctor Andrew Taylor Still in 1874 as a drugless system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions. Osteopathy became protected by Act of Parliament in 1993, and Osteopaths must complete a degree course of at least 4 years to be eligible to join the register.
Osteopaths work with the structure and function of the body, ensuring that the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues work smoothly together to enhance the well-being of an individual.
Osteopaths use touch, articulation, adjustments, stretching and soft tissue manipulation to increase joint mobility, relieve muscle tension, and enhance blood and nerve supply to the tissues. This aids your body’s own healing mechanisms. They also help prevent symptoms recurring by providing ergonomic and postural advice, and exercise prescription.
Osteopaths work with the structure and function of the body, ensuring that the skeleton, muscles, ligaments and connective tissues work smoothly together to enhance the well-being of an individual.
Osteopaths use touch, articulation, adjustments, stretching and soft tissue manipulation to increase joint mobility, relieve muscle tension, and enhance blood and nerve supply to the tissues. This aids your body’s own healing mechanisms. They also help prevent symptoms recurring by providing ergonomic and postural advice, and exercise prescription.
Chiropractic was created in 1895 by DD Palmer as a system of diagnosis and treatment based on manual adjustment of spinal subluxations. Palmer was formerly a student of osteopathy and wrote:
"Later I took Osteopathy [which] gave me such a measure of confidence as to almost feel it unnecessary to seek other sciences for the mastery of curable disease."
Leach, Robert (2004). The Chiropractic Theories: A Textbook of Scientific Research. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. p. 15
This explains the similarities between chiropractic and osteopathy, which share many techniques.
Physiotherapy in the UK arose out of the Society of Trained Masseuses created in 1894 by four nurses. Modern physiotherapy treats people affected by illness or injury using movement, exercise, manual therapy and advice. Physiotherapy has many specialist areas such a respiratory or cardiovascular to aid rehabilitation of patients. The Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists exists for physios that have additional training in manipulation and manual therapy of which there are approximately 1000 full members.
Hitchin Osteopathic Clinic, Old Park Dental Surgery, 72 Old Park Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 2JT 01462 432609